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COMPARE AND CHOOSE: What do you see as the biggest challenge facing your home district and how do you plan to address it?

I target education as the biggest problem, which can yield great benefits as we move to solution. Test scores are falling, costs are rising, and we face new problems with immigrant population, and this is a top priority to educate immigrant students and integrate them into our community, family life and workforce. We need to radically reducing the cost while increasing the quality of public education: We need greater productivity.

COMPARE AND CHOOSE: 4TH CD CANDIDATE solutions for the energy needs of the future?

The world needs to achieve energy independence in stages, and not in isolation from other countries. Every nation, and the world, needs to reduce its dependence on energy. U.S. should lead, totally rethinking and redesigning energy production and consumption by businesses and consumers. Government should encourage reduced energy dependence by partnering with private industry to encourage energy-efficient lifestyles like hybrid vehicles, that stretch out petroleum use with alternative fuels.

COMPARE AND CHOOSE: How will you balance the continuing costs of military actions with the costs of domestic needs in the face of the federal deficit?

Obviously this can’t be balanced, it necessarily creates a deficit.

COMPARE AND CHOOSE: What measures should the federal government take to promote economic development and create jobs?

Let businesses hire who they want by reducing the time and cost for each hire, so we can close the gap between posted jobs and job hires so businesses can stop spinning their wheels.

COMPARE AND CHOOSE: How can the government ensure effective responses to disasters and/or pandemics?

The Gulf oil spill teaches us that the government needs good planning before licenses are granted. The feds really missed this one. BP was supposed to plan a response, and it is the government’s responsibility to review and evaluate it before the drilling starts. As a people we must have greater readiness, and unity, less divisions. Study of science, good urban and regional planning. Communication and teamwork between private and public sector. Adequate government resources and preparation.

White Bear Area Chamber of Commerce Debate 4th CD

DEBATE: Which candidate should replace Betty McCollum? Watch the KSTP Steve Carlson-Teresa Collett Debate

Minerva's Owl
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