How we won the legal battle against Keith Ellison and Lori Swanson to stop aging out Minnesota women from their breast cancer treatment
"Appellant asks this court, in effect, to add language to the statute so that recipients of MA-BC benefits cannot be removed from the program based upon age."
Minnesota Department of Human Services and Ramsey county conceded that, although appellant became ineligible for MABC benefits on November 11, 2016, she was entitled to those benefits through June 2017 given the improper October 2016 notices and subsequent determinations by the HSJ and DHS.
--Dayton's judge Jim Florey (retired)
Yes those are the actual words in an order allowing a death panel decision, withdrawing breast cancer treatment funding in an evil triage operation aging out women from their cancer treatment. Many die. Minnesota refuses to even conduct an impact study. The practice affects at least hundreds of women in Minnesota alone and it's spread to other states. In order to "win" a battle against a cancer patient and her family, Minnesota profaned the law. Florey, who rewrote an unsustainable opinion by Ramsey county's kept judge Shawn Bartsh, who is seeking re-election August 11, and should not be, basically just said
(1) Yes, we all know Ramsey County improperly removed the patient from the federal cancer treatment program, and took her money to pay to others; and
(2) that if Minnesota did not steal the money from patients aged off their on-going, incomplete cancer treatment they would be unable to meet their federal obligation to pay for YOUNGER patients and they would go untreated or get degraded treatment--like the older patients do.
Here's from the opinion of the judge who came out of retirement to write this dangerous opinion. First he found "[Minnesota Department of Human Services] and [Ramsey] county conceded that, although appellant became ineligible for MABC benefits on November 11, 2016, she was entitled to those benefits through June 2017 given the improper October 2016 notices and subsequent determinations by the HSJ and DHS." So right away Florey draws a distinction between what coverage benefits a woman is "entitled to" and what he finds they're "ineligible for". So this is dishonest, and normally dishonesty wouldn't be quite so damning, except in this case the strenuous effort of this guy appointed by Mark Dayton, out of retirement to preside over and write this dangerous opinion are to defend the routine removal of women from their cancer treatment coverage before their treatment is completed as the law requires their treatment to be. He's literally and knowingly killing women by taking away their ability to obtain medical care. And remember, THIS government wants to take over YOUR health care through ObamaCare. Remember two that Obama said he woulc cut Medicare by one-third to fund his expansion of Medicaid. Oh, but when we get to Medicaid in Minnesota these women on Medicaid because they are being treated for breast cancer are removed! Oh, and the self-same Medicaid funds are also paid for abortions. And for transgender operations. But NOT to complete a woman's cancer treatment. The law, MNStat256B.057Subd.10(b), carefully omitted by the skillful Florey presiding, requires the women will receive coverage until she no longer receives the cancer treatment for which she was eligible. DISHONEST! DISGRACEFUL!
It's incredible that a Minnesota court would uphold actions it is forced to admit (that's a win for us) is "improper" and was determined by the Minnesota Department of Human Services to be improper, and ADEQUATE notice under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution was required.
The second revealing excert from
Dayton's man Florey is this: "section 256B.057, subdivision 10(a), provides a reasonable means to a permissible providing medical assistance to women who are not eligible for Medicaid and too young for Medicare. As previously stated, the exclusion of individuals 65 and older is a reasonable means for ensuring that adequate funding remains for the targeted recipients of the MA-BC program." In other words says Gov. Mark Dayton through this outrageous decision, Minnesota is not going to uphold the obligation to simply pay the state's matching funds to the much larger federal funds contribution because oh, if we do that, we're not going to have money available to pay for medical care in cancer treatment younger recipients. And bear in mind THOSE "targeted" recipients are ALSO not going to get their complete treatment covered. Hence "Fight Like A Girl" against breast cancer and rotten politicians and judges.
Tina Smith worked directly with Emily Piper who engineered this foul treatment, and was both Dayton's Chief of Staff and Lt.Gov. before Dayton moved her into the U.S. Senate. "D" for Dayton. He gets a "D" as a rotten, deadly governor.
....that began during the 2014 general election with Al Franken. Completely irrational and baseless. The attacks were reversed by a judge. But they continue.
Although in 2014 and 2015 these terminations were reversed or avoided, five months before Vikki's 65th birthday in 2016 the government turned it off and never turned it back on, and all this was during her cancer treatment, which still continues. This is a violation of the federal and state laws and of the federal and state constitutions. Litigation is pending. But that's not all. Hundreds of women in Minnesota are illegally thrown out of their breast cancer treatment insurance while they still need treatment.
Emily Johnson Piper, who is a former General Counsel for Governor Mark Dayton and Commissioner of Commerce, has actively covered up this Constitutional tort. Steve and his wife have raised this in a Minnesota state court, but Lori Swanson has convinced the judge, Sharon Bartsch presiding Ramsey County judge that such a claim is not allowed in her courtroom.
U.S. Senate primary race against the incumbent Klobuchar
Appearance with Tim McKinley (EXTENDED INTERVIEW BEGINS at MINUTE 17)
On March 16, 2018 I submitted these proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law for the resolution of the problem of automatically kicking women out of their cancer treatment to the Ramsey County District Court.