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VoterID can replace Dominion Voting machines and restore safe and fair elections

VoterID can replace Dominion Voting machines and restore safe and fair elections

I will immediately issue Voter IDs

The best way to get rid of Dominion Voting in Minnesota, and get back to real voting, is to issue and wisely use Voter ID cards in Minnesota. If elected on November 8, I will work with interested counties to offer a Minnesota Sec of State Voter ID to serve as a means of identification in registration and in elections. It will be just one, optional form of ID among the many other, improvised and sketchy forms we currently accept, to establish the eligibility and residence of Minnesota voters. Looking at this statement of Minnesota's current law and policy I think it's perfectly consistent.

Further I will propose Minnesota develop and phase in Minnesota Voter ID Cards that work to make voting easier and cheating harder. Here's how it would work:

Voter ID card will be loaded with a strip or a chip to store voter information for ease of registration and voting in a given election

  • The voter simply presents the Voter ID containing their voter address and name and other data at their designated polling place

  • Using the Voter ID Card, the voter is given a paper ballot, and presents the card again with his or her completed ballot to be counted

  • The Voter ID Card is programmed with a unique voting number generated for that vote at that voting station, and that number is used to count the vote and to store the paper ballot.

  • The Voter ID Card is matched to county records, to ensure the voter was authorized to vote in that district. But there's no other electronic record of voting than the unique vote number, so nothing can be duplicated or used fraudulently.

  • The vote number is stored in the Voter ID Card, indicating that a ballot was issued and after being filled in, submitted and counted at that polling station. If you attempt to use your card to vote again, the poll worker will get the message that you tried to vote again in the same election. You'll have some explaining to do. So of course you won't do that.

    This system generates efficient, same-day voting while eliminating Dominion Voting and other similar dangerous voting machines.

    Two additional enhancements are present card to get receipt that your vote was counted and (2) present card in county office to get verification there were no phantom votes from your voting address.