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Debate this! Foreign policy 1 IP-MN Nominee challenges Franken/McFadden on Middle East missteps

Freshman Senator Al Franken is up for re-election in 2014. As the crisis in the Middle East deepens, Al seems to shift the war on terror to Minneapolis! The town he's supposed to represent. What went wrong? And what IS the policy we need to follow to steer the nation and world to the calm, deep waters and away from the rocky shores?

Independence Party Nominee investigates Duluth debate that excludes Independence Party per se

Duluth News Tribune and Duluth Chamber of Commerce made a decision to flat-out exclude any candidate from the Independence Party of Minnesota from its U.S. Senate debate on October 1. They say this does not violate the Equal Time requirements because neither one of them are broadcast organizations. But their practice is to team up with a broadcaster, My9TV and Northland News Center in the Duluth Area, knowing full well it will be broadcast. Without the broadcast no one except those in the room would care, and we could only read second-hand summarizations by print media.

Remember how we got to MNSure and ObamaCare? 2010. We need another wave election right now, 2014

Mr. 60th Vote is Al Franken. Franken said he made up his own mind how to vote. So was it dumb luck, then? Is that how Minnesota got swamped in ObamaCare? How 140,000 Minnesotans lost their health care? How Obama manipulated the program countless times and now threatens Medicare, and the growth of the economy? Does Sen. Al Franken actually agree with all THIS lawlessness??

Heal Thy Nation - A U.S. Senate Nominee prayer for America

Steve Carlson, Tea Party candidate for U.S. Senate has won the primary of the Independence Party and faces Al Franken and Mike McFadden on the November 4 ballot. This is a vision of America and what is needed to heal.

New photo essay with campaign background music asks voters to Shine Your Light November 4 as you vote to Change Your World.

Obama party seeks political coup to overthrow 1st Amendment Free and Fair Elections

Our government is based on free and fair elections under the 1st Amendment. Now Al Franken, Amy Klobuchar and Barack Obama want to overthrow the elected government by getting rid of the 1st Amendment! They want to control elections! This movie gives some background on how Democrats play with the 1st Amendment and try to stop candidates from running.

U.S. Senate Nominee in Green Line accident, sees safety problems from the inside

Steve Carlson, Tea Party candidate for the U.S. Senate against Al Franken, has criticized Franken as "Mr. 60th Vote" for the stimulus package which included this sprawling and unrestrained Green Line light-rail (a.k.a. Central Corridor). On September 8, in front of Coffman Union, University of Minnesota, being a passenger with a KFAI reporter and many others, I experienced the danger of an ill-planned light-rail system as I was trapped inside a dangerous car for about 45 minutes.

Steve Carlson education motivation teacher

Bermuda/Ireland triangle - How economics debate, loads of cash, disappeared somewhere near Bermuda Islands

U.S. Senate Nominee Independence from Minnesota responds to attack Al Franken ads. How Carlson will create millions of jobs across America and tens of thousands across Minnesota, while the political giants squabble, by protecting Minnesota borrowers from usury.

Michele MacDonald--an AMAZING woman and next Minnesota SC Justice

Michele MacDonald, whom I endorsed as Minnesota Supreme Court Justice to replace Al Franken's pal David Lillehaug, is AMAZING. All Tea Party people nationwide need to listen to this woman, and I hope you will support and vote for her to topple Al Franken and his buddy David Lillehaug.

The Threat of Minnesota Parties - and the hope of independents

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