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Your Day in Court - A Poem by Steve Carlson 2014

A cause I brought, to court I thought for justice;
But ne'er did I forsee the plot ahead.
A judge! I thought what wisdom was forthcoming.
But shocked, I took a look at what she said.

Lady Justice, so they say, is blind and balanced.
But this one tipped a bit too much one way.
A case submitted but not the one I knew;
An answer, blind and dark to end the day.

Your day is done, it said, and left the rest out.
Now run along and don't come back again.
But no, said I, this can't be, I protested.
Oh yes it can, she said it can and then

If you can't see the wisdom of our play,
You've had your day in court in every way
And yet you would resist the best advice
You're striking me as not so very nice
I think you'd better go before there's trouble
Because you know you're sitting on the bubble
There's lots of fines we'll find for you to pay
We've lots of money yet to bring our way
And now our time to argue slips away