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Race equity under assault in higher education, government

The Minneapolis 2020 Ilhan Omar syndrome
Rise of Fake News

Race equity under assault, chaos follows

    Ilhan Omar is on the ballot again, in Minnesota, in Minneapolis. It is not enough merely for all the CD5 voters, where somehow Ilhan Omar has been put into the U.S. House of Representatives, to just vote her out in November. This is a critical matter for the entire state of Minnesota, and indeed the whole country--that she must stop appearing in Washington on behalf of what’s left of the city.


At least 400 businesses and 700 buildings were lost, according to the Star Tribune. Tina and Ilhan want FEMA to do it--even though we have hurricanes rolling in, we’ll have tornados, floods... But they want disaster aid for man-made, or in this case woman-made disasters. Like a kind of sugar daddy credit-card from Uncle Don. There are better ways for Minneapolis to recover. But as long as the Minneapolis City Council keeps pushing the horrible, ineffective policies that brought this on, don’t look for the nation to fix it. Instead, look for property taxes of Minneapolis homeowners, some insurance claims, and Minnesota Legislature aid to cities….Yes, progress will be held back while Ilhan completes her remedial repair of a city she’s destroyed. Others, like Tina Smith, helped destroy it.

Tina could begin to repair the damage she’s done to Minnesota by withdrawing her endorsement of the literally craziest member of Congress, probably ever.

What is worse is that the new governor Tim Walz has now endorsed Ilhan! Refused to call in the National Guard and Donald Trump until it was too late, but he’s supporting Ilhan to represent us in Washington as we seek to get the largest city in CD5, Minneapolis, back on our feet.

Walz’s role is very similar to Mark Dayton’s role in hand-picking Omar in a sleight of hand trick with Keith Ellison. After the State DFL convention in 2018, where Ilhan pretended to run for the West Bank seat in the state legislature, the shift occurred. Ellison decided to cash in on his opportunistic “fame” at the DNC and park in an AG position to promote his cause. And he moved aside just so Ilhan Omar could take his seat! She went to Mark Dayton and he blessed her exactly as Tim Walz is doing. These two gentlemen are in many ways responsible for the destruction of Minneapolis. Minnesota as a state cannot stand aside as our largest city is wrecked.

Ilhan pretends to have this tremendous power to undermine our country from her perch in Washington where she dizzily violates about every rule ever made about ethical conduct. But no matter, Nancy Pelosi is just as unethical and has actually raised money for Ilhan! Omar does nothing to help Minnesota and everything to hurt Minnesota. Her “progressive issues” are ridiculous because she destroys the system that has been so good to her. And again Nancy Pelosi plays along. smh

Realize that it can get worse. We need election integrity.