I’m with the Independence Party in 2010,
You know they SHOCKED THE WORLD, in 1998, when
The two-party system, It’s time had come and gone.
Vote for change, Vote for change, Vote Independence!
The healthcare reform bill did more harm than good.
It didn't help the people that it really should.
Now they're faced with fines and taxes to pay the government.
Vote for change, Vote for change, Vote Independence!
The Tea Party fought back against the tax,
Against the corruption in the Parties and the PAC's,
We stand on the Constitution, to take our country back.
Vote for change, Vote for change, Vote Independence!
With the free market system, Our nation was great,
We’ve got to act, because it’s slippin’, before it’s too late
Let’s give our businesses a chance, You know they’ll pull their weight.
Vote for change, Vote for change, Vote Independence!
Now racial equality, you know it seems right,
Red, brown and yellow, black, tan and white,
We’ve got to pull together, To see our country through.
Vote for change, Vote for change, Vote Independence!
Now, Betty McCollum, some say she's pretty hip,
But she works for Nancy Pelosi, As the Party's Senior Whip
We need bi-partisan civility, not just more partisanship
Vote for change, Vote for change, Vote Independence!
Vote for change, vote for change, For a new direction in the Halls of Washington,
Vote for change to take our country back, When the struggle has been won!
Vote for change you can believe in, Vote for jobs and security,
Not for Democrats or Republicans, not for bailouts and misery!
It’s America the Beautiful that we want to save!
The American Dream, the Home of the Brave,
We’ve got to get our country, On the right road again.
Vote for change, Vote for change, Vote Independence!
Well, the Arizona statute, Keeps spreading each day,
But it’s unconstitutional, not the American way,
All people got to work, and then to make it pay.
Vote for change, Vote for change, Vote Independence!
The unborn children, Let’s give them a birth,
A mother, and a father, A place on the Earth,
Someday they’re gonna love you, And you will know their worth.
Vote for change, Vote for change, Vote Independence!
Our soldiers in Afghanistan, out Pakistan way,
They want to bring freedom, Make a better day,
You know God wants us to have peace, and for that we pray.
Vote for change, Vote for change, Vote Independence!
Vote for change, and the Independence and Tea Party in 2010!
2010 Campaign Fight Song, lyrics by Steve Carlson, 2010 |