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A leadership discussion - Restore the Minnesota Independence Party and Tea Party independents

Steve Pic

Watch my videos on the motions filed in Minnesota court to void the "railroad" of Al Franken, in a fraudulent and void proceeding, to Washington and to void the elimination of the Minnesota Independence Party based on the DFL fraud. On November 4, 2014 Al Franken and his corrupt, incompetent party of race-baiters, gender quota controllers and masters of mass media propaganda and stomping out debates and discussion, disappeared the Independence Party of Minnesota as a true third alternative to the radical Democrats and the establishment Republicans, by voting on the statewide question, shall the Independence Party remain a Minnesota major party. Both the GOP and DFL angled to eliminate the third party. At the top of the ballot across the state, Steve Carlson was forced to take on this strategy, going to the Secretary of the U.S. Senate Nancy Erickson, and by suing to restore democracy in Minnesota (and across America, where Walter Mondale, Don Fraser and George McGovern have killed democracy and replaced it with genetically engineered voter quotas, in blatant violation of the 1st Amendment, the 14th Amendment, 15th Amendment and 19th Amendment. Clear voting rights violations.

From the beginning, I have backed the Tea Party and am in some sense a Tea Party leader. Tea Party does not mean Repubican. Some Republicans support the Tea Party. Democrats should do so to but their radical elite, like Al Franken, would frown on that, because then they'd have to run on their record. Needless to say they don't want to do that, and Al Franken ran from Obama in the so-called "debate" (more like a yelling contest, as if Franken's best-seller "Lies and the Lying Liars who Lie Them" were coming to life in mid-campaign).

Franken is "disappointed" in the Tea Party. He's disappointed in Obama, for not stopping the gridlock. But Franken is Mr. Gridlock, Mr. 60th vote. The new version of Franken, hailed as the Zen master of boredom by the Washington Post, looks like a wizened Obi-Knobi. But he's really a Franken-Stein for more gridlock, more attack politics, destruction of our government, our military and national security, and for more federal takeover of education, health care, all kinds of businesses, and general government quagmire.

I am a Tea Party candidate who is calling out Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar for attacking the 1st Amendment. Even the Independence Party leaders don't back S.J. Res. 19, repealing the 1st Amendment.

We can and must make the U.S. Senate work, BUT the work we need to do is to slash federal spending, not just hold it as Ted Cruz has tried to do. We must stay on the offense and explain to the American people, 'look, there IS no other way! We must transition the power and resources (trillions of dollars each year) BACK to the 50 states. Put the power back in the hands of the people through their several states, and that action will grow up America. Grow America by building up the 50 states. Then get involved in your state. And let the federal government do what it was intended to do. NOT to be a super-state!

In July, a HuffPost Gravis Marketing poll found I polled at 13% against Franken's 51% and McFadden's 35%.
Now, in 2014, we need the ideas I, and Romney put forward but were not listened to to turn the nation around. We must continue to back away from the fiscal cliff instead of waiting for the next one. But even if we back away from it now (which would be wise), we won't get away from it UNTIL we turn the major federal programs back to the states. CUT the federal programs and departments. The two major parties have made this a non-issue, EVEN WHEN ROMNEY CAMPAIGNED on it. We continue to raise the national debt ferociously, and Obama wants to take the money from the wars, leaving the world in chaos, with all the sacrifice Americans made and spend it as he and my opponent Al Franken see fit. NO, continue to reduce federal spending during this military drawdown and transfer major federal programs, and the power and the resources, back to the states and you can begin to make inroads into the federal financial fiasco and restore business confidence, purpose and leadership.

Obama has flip-flopped on the fiscal cliff deal. As Bob Woodward took pains to point out, Obama is the author of the sequester deal and the so-called Budget Control Act. Even Amy Klobuchar criticized this in 2014 (she's not running). In the fiscal cliff deal, Republicans agreed to raise revenue. And yet, instead of taking the time to move on to the spending cuts phase, Obama simply demanded even more tax hikes, and still not agreed to intelligent spending cuts. Now Obama has gone completely OFF the cliff, vowing to lead the government by HIMSELF! These are difficult times indeed.

OBAMA must give in to flexibility in cuts in discretionary funding, not campaign against Republicans by showing the suffering the federal government is imposing in these hard economic times. The only way to do this is begin the heavy lifting of turning the power, and the resources back to the 50 states.

Obama must protect our country and our armed forces in their mission. He has failed to do this, and we must stiffen the nation's resolve. Instead Obama has a policy of stirring up riots and violent overthrow of authority all around the world, even right here in Ferguson, MO. We need serious, competent leadership in the U.S. Senate, not funny yes-men.

In 2012 Romney won independents, won seniors and won white voters with 59%. But with solid black votes (93%) and overwhelming Hispanic votes (Asians also voted 71% but much of that was concentrated in blue states), Obama won an election not based on policy or performance, but on his identity, and his false and vicious attacks on Romney. This is racial politics, like the racist attack on officer Darrin Nelson in Missouri. It has to stop, and you can stop it if you vote seriously, not for the establishment parties.

In Minnesota, a lot of the energy of new thinking in 2012 went into a branch of the Republicans, led by Kurt Bills, that supported Ron Paul as the Republican candidate. I believe Paul also wanted to turn back, or cut completely, non-essential federal programs. However, cutting federal programs is a tricky business, because they are central to much of the economy, as health care is becoming now, with Walker and other Republican governors seeing state health exchanges as "state" in name only.

So what is needed is a TRANSITION of federal programs and power back to the state. States need to decide what fits, not the federal government. Do you want to help with health care, and attack killer diseases and health disparities? Do you want to lead world class education and cut disparities to create opportunity for your people? Do you want an intelligent 21st-century transportation system, and intelligent energy design? Do you want law enforcement that is capable of doing its job, rather than senseless attacks on police because not everybody agrees to respect the law? Do you want to support families, real marriage? Do you want to protect the 1st Amendment so you can restore and keep free, and fair elections? Then you can't have Washington elites running your life. Our system demands that we stay engaged and truly move forward with true progress, not progress that merely destroys, and endangers America's destiny, meaning and purpose.

Congress has pre-empted many fields, in legal terms, and it can and must UNpre-empt them. (And many of these are social issues. In fact, in 2012 we saw that Obama for political ambition, pre-empted marriage, taking it away from the states and making it a federal civil issue, trampling on religious practices of marriage. It now hangs by a thread in the U.S. Supreme Court, and at this writing we have had the first forcible punishment by the DFL who lied about a "conversation" about tolerance, and fined a small farm $8,500 because they didn't want their hunting lodge used for two homosexual college students to "marry" there. There is more to come, and we need to restore sanity in America as soon as possible.

The observations of Steve Moore of the WSJ are still relevant. Which way does the leadership take us? We have a lot to recover from in the government, although our private sector is still hanging around enough to give us hope, if not change. We need a private auto industry if we are going to be at all competitive with China and Japan. True, China's government, through the PLA business fronts, does stay involved in their auto industry, but they don't run it like socialists. They're going great guns to try to raise the standard of living of their people. But what is our government doing with GM? Propping it up to make it look like Obama "saved" the auto industry. He gets the union workers who support him anyway, to pretend they're driving a company that will be successful in the long-term but they're not.

The biggest thing we can do is to pass my Take America Forward Act, that is to turn the major programs, power and resources back to the 50 states and get them involved. Not Washington to pick which states are going to win and which are going to lose, led by ideologues. We need, in short, leadership. I'm independent, but I can easily see that Romney has the plans and we need to let him get to work.

Steve Moore, economics editor of the WSJ with "young gun" Eric Cantor of Virginia, dated October 2, 2010 ( But Cantor failed to lead, trying to maintain the status-quo against Obama's demagoguery and Harry Reid's obstruction of the Senate, and he has been defeated in 2014 in a primary by another Tea Party candidate, this one in Virginia.

The discussion with WSJ shows the strong role and direction I believe is to be found in the Contract from America, and the Republicans' Pledge to America has. We have to roll up our sleeves and get to work. This supports a unity movement, designed to take our country back, and the relations between the Tea Party and the two major parties, and the American people.

We must eliminate agencies and departments, not just to balance the budget and initiate a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution (I have signed the Contract from America), but to create just the growth strategy Moore refers to in this article. The cornerstone of that growth strategy MUST be to return many powers and activities, and the funding with it, back to the states. Minnesota can do excellent education, and does not need Arne Duncan, Barack Obama or Bill Ayers to tell us how. The same can be said of health care, environmental regulations, financial regulations, and food and drug regulations. The role of the federal government has to be cut back and returned to the states, not to protect wrongdoers from enforcement actions, but to empower the states to grow their own economies.

There can be no national growth plan that is not largely founded on successful growth plans in each of the states. 2014 is election year for Minnesota governor. Tom Horner's growth plan for Minnesota (Horner ran as 2010 Independence Party nominee for Governor, and now I am the Independence Party 2014 Nominee for the U.S. Senate. This shows the people of Minnesota are listening and not pleased with DFL assaults on our way of life, our freedom, and our United States Constitution.

The Tea Party should follow through with the Contract from America, and also set forth a growth strategy beyond cuts in taxes and spending, and defenses against the outrageous and gross measures of the Obama administration (we have to play offense as well as defense).

Romney, Ron Paul and Rick Perry, and also Rick Santorum in 2012 all mainstreamed ideas like cutting agencies and departments to return power and activity to the states is an important cornerstone that is reflected throughout the Contract from America. Cantor and the "old bulls" and Moore need to pay attention to this if America is to have not only a change in business as usual in Washington, but a national growth strategy.