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Check my 2010 positions on federal issues (U.S. House race)

1. Occupation:

Writer, consultant

2. Education:

Life-long learner.

The Future of the U.S.-Mexico Border

Carlson proposes business and political leadership to Mexican border, Mexican American Border States Rights Act to define integration of the two countries based on 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Roybal's Faces

Image of a painting by Twin Cities

Saving America's Health Care and Women's Health Care

I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. Obama: I will cut Medicare to fund one-third of ObamaCare, will veto any attempt to restore Medicare cuts.


Roybal's Faces

Image of a painting by Twin Cities
artist Ray Roybal

Education, Voting and Opportunity

Boost America's Science, Math and Liberal Arts Education with New Technology

We must re-open quality education throughout Minnesota to achieve MN Constitution's goals

Voting and Education in the Minnesota Constitution.

Finnish, Swahili, Haitian, Japanese, Tagalog, Hawaiian, Hindi

Thank you for 110,000 primary votes, 28% of DFL total. Now SAVE the VOTE

On November 8th, Write In Steve Carlson SOS of MN Support the Matthew Perna Act to Free the American Voter!

Kim Crockett fails to follow up on 26 THOUSAND ineligible votes in 2016--no number for same-day voter fraud in 2020

Minnesota NEW THIRD Movement part II of

The Great Secretary of State Debate

Crockett's "Issues" is too crowded, too vague, there's no idea about what she would actually do now, when we're in a crisis. There's no reference to authority, only her unattached opinions...

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