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- Carlson participated in US SENATE CANDIDATE DEBATE at Minnesota FarmFest AUGUST 7
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ISSUE #7 Vote to help Steve Carlson stop the Thomson terrorist camp in its tracks!
"Our soldiers in Afghanistan, out Pakistan way.
They want to bring freedom, make a better day.
You know God wants us to have freedom, and peace.
And for that we pray. Vote for change." Link to Steve Carlson video of this song (AOL News)
We must vote to stop the Thomson, IL Terrorist Threat!
The balloon "A" shows the location of the proposed Gitmo facility, housing the terrorists held for their suspected role in 9/11.
We cannot trust Obama's administration to keep Minnesota safe from terrorism
We are told that the Obama administration is perhaps giving up on moving the Guantanamo Bay terrorism prisoners to Thomson, IL.--the worst example of an earmark in U.S. history. This catastrophe in the making would be a greater threat to Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota than to Chicago, IL. But Illinois will receive $1 billion! But we cannot accept this apparent hesitation by the administration, because we have seen what happened to our health care system, despite news reports that the destructive health care legislation, too, was dead.
All Congresspersons--Democrat, Republican or Independence Party--must vow to take no prisoners in our efforts to shut down this Midwest terrorism threat. It is not enough that a key Senate committee stripped the funding from this mad attempt to cash in while exposing us to this threat. Obama seeks a vote from the 4th Congressional District, but I will oppose this request, and lead the Midwest Representatives to scrap this dangerous and wasteful idea.
"We have done all that we can to try to close Guantanamo....Again, we need Congress to come up with an alternative facility. We’ve identified one in Illinois, the Thomson facility that we think that we could bring people to, we’ve not gotten the funding from Congress... BUT THIS IS STILL A PRIORITY FOR THIS ADMINISTRATION."
- U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to CBS's Bob Schieffer July 11, 2010.
Where is Thomson, IL?
Minnesotans should know that Thomson is just about 150 miles down the river from the Twin Cities and the strategic terror target Mall of America. Thomson is exposed to the Mississippi River and its tendency to flood, and this facility could not be secure. Especially in light of the recent string of terror attacks on American soil, I simply will not accept this foolishness and I will work with Congress to kill it.
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