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Steve Carlson: VA treatment scandal calls for immediate HOTLINE set up by Congress and Obama to reach out

I would put out an immediate call, if I were Barack Obama, for all wounded veterans from Iraq or Afghanistan, or who have cancer, to immediately CALL A VA URGENCY HOTLINE, or their family or relatives to call. Should be set up especially to handle this crisis, to get out ahead of it. Shinseki should announce it, Obama should publicize and support it and urge these vets to call, even if they have already talked to the VA. Those with cancer needs, screening or treatment should immediately be connected to American Cancer Society navigators. Forget about scapegoating now, take care of these servicemen and servicewomen. The immediate priority is reaching those veterans who have wounds from Iraq and Afghanistan or cancer. Things that will kill. We don't want that list to grow. Having hearings about populating medical records is not what is needed now.

Al Franken, Mills and Nolan called for Shinseki's resignation. This does not satisfy me at all. Shinseki's successor, AND BARACK OBAMA, and the CONGRESS need to prevent any more death or suffering from combat wounds, and guard against the threat of cancers. I want Obama to get key information from Shinseki about the current needs of U.S. wounded, including those being treated in VA hospitals, or treated anywhere. Tell me what conditions are killing our wounded veterans, including TBI, and including cancer. Cancer cannot wait under VACare and it can't wait under ObamaCare. I want numbers and locations, and I want to see how Gen. Shinseki, RIGHT NOW, is matching resources to these immediate urgent needs. If he doesn't have the medical knowledge, get the VA's and Defense medical experts out there and give us ANSWERS. I want to see where the shortfalls are. We don't have time to get the VA into the 21st Century. We need these answers right now. I don't want another day to be wasted. I'm not interested in playing election games about resignation. I want to see evidence of some brainpower by all those in charge, including U.S. House members AND U.S. Senators. And I want it now. No more "chain of command" horse-pucky, no more the buck stops here stuff. EVERYBODY in leadership right now tell me what you are going to DO. I do not want information about names being kept on an off-line list and false dates about waits put in. I want to know the plan and resources we dedicated to treat, ESPECIALLY all wounded vets with injuries from Iraq and Afghanistan, and I would like that NOW. I would like it from Bernie Sanders, what did he do? What did Barack Obama do? What did Chuck Hagel do and Robert Gates (because you can't treat wounded veterans without responsibilities, REAL and not merely minimal bureaucratic, from the Defense Department). I want to hold up ObamaCare until we examine how the U.S. government is treating veterans at the VA.