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Great STATE DEBATE includes DFL Simon, MNGOP Crockett and Minnesota's NEW THIRD Movement

Minnesota NEW THIRD Movement

The Great Secretary of State Debate

Four direct questions to Kim Crockett, Steve Simon:

Question 1 Minnesota elections derailed?

Were Minnesota's elections derailed by Covid19 and by measures to rig our elections to tighten DFL control and to remove Trump?

Even a "liberal" like Bill Maher on "Politically Incorrect" asked Amy Klobuchar to her face "how far will you go" to steal elections?

Even the retired professor gadly Max Hailperin admits: "For the 2020 election, Minnesota temporarily changed its absentee voting process in several ways intended to preserve constitutional rights and public health in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the changes were enacted by the Legislature whereas others resulted from lawsuits in state court. One of the changes was called into question by a federal appellate court...Even at the time, much public confusion ensued as to which legal processes underlay each of the changes. With the passage of time, that confusion has only grown worse.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar and the terrible Democratic elites deliberately shopped a lie to the nation's media, punished the well-known New York Post and had their FBI issue threats to Facebook and national media to cover up the Joe Biden scam with Hunter, his son, in the family business, in order to make sure you, the voter would not know the stories were true and would have voted for Trump. Amy loves this stuff, she calls it "winning" and could not deny it to Maher. Instead, she on national TV glibly accused President Trump of "leading an armed attack on the nation's Capitol" when in fact what happened on January 6, 2021 was that reckless Speaker Nancy Pelosi basically installed ambush security against innocent patriots who dared even approach the Capitol. But the election was derailed in many other ways and many of those ways need fixing right now.

All of these ways will be included in my proposed Matthew Perna Act to protect American voters against the United States and crazed partisans abusing power like Amy Klobuchar and Nancy Pelosi.

Question 2.

How should Minnesota deal with the machines, now that punch cards have been rejected after Bush v. Gore and Broward County. Is Dominion Voting the way to go, or does Dominion Voting have to go?

On September 8, 2022, Twitter locked my account because I was stating that Dominion Voting machines do not meet the legal requirements of Minnesota election law. The reason they gave was that I was "interfering in elections" in that I supposedly "mislead people about when, where or how to participate in a civic process." But I'm not.

The machines are the biggest problem derailing our elections because firstly, they are very badly designed and their design is not regulated; secondly they can be easily hacked, including their operations; and thirdly they enter into agreements (which I believe should be illegal) with people like Steve Simon and his boss DFL chair Ken Martin, that prevent their operation in an election, and the results, from being examined; they claim to have “proprietary rights” to the operation and results of the elections far and above any state election official, responsible officials in both the counties and the state! This goes far beyond what Minnesota would ever have allowed, or did allow by law from the owners of the first machines, the punch card machines. And the history of our election laws shows our great concern that any machines involved in voting and counting would faithfully reflect the cast will of the electorate. A punch card operator does not keep the punch cards from you, does not assert some magical ownership over our state’s elections because it provided a lever for voters to pull and produce these cards. We must clearly write or re-write Minnesota’s laws to clarify and instruct the courts that government officials may not enter into any agreement which takes the access to the data and the operations of the machines and gives them to a private company.

Would anyone have agreed to certify any machine that had the qualities described by CiSA on June 3, 2022? No. They do not meet our state’s requirements and to the degree any official or even the legislature said they could give our elections to that kind of machine, they are wrong and in violation of the Constitution. At the very least the government, and not some private company MUST be responsible for conducting the elections according to law, the Constitution makes clear that the government not some vendor will conduct, and be responsible for, the election. You can’t privatize it and the machines privatize the elections.

How should Minnesota deal with the machines, now that punch cards have been rejected after Bush v. Gore and Broward County. We had major reform with HAVA, creating the trafficking of lists used in these powerful new machines, how do we respond after this 9-11 of #Election2020?

Question 3.

How should the #mnleg respond to reform and restore Minnesota elections, and undo the misguided work of Jeremy Munson, marceelias and other meddlers in our standardized election traditions?

This debate is in progress. As I work my way through Kim Crockett's issues (See web page Great State Debate Part II) I will add to and solidify it. Briefly, Crockett's ideas are not sound because she is not proposing any fixes. She criticizes, she pontificates, but does not show a road to safe Minnesota elections because her analysis is incomplete and unsound.

For instance, she doesn't question why 58% of the 2020 vote that supposedly elected Joe Biden were mail-in. Or why the Republican response should be to recruit more Republican Ballot Board members to count the 58% of the mail-ins over a long early voting period. These Minnesota laws are unsound and must be directly challenged and remedied. Any GOP nominee for SOS should be able to do this because this is urgently needed. How should the #mnleg respond to reform and restore Minnesota elections, and undo the misguided work of Jeremy Munson, marceelias and other meddlers in our standardized election traditions?

How should the #mnleg respond to reform and restore Minnesota elections, and undo the misguided work of Jeremy Munson, marceelias and other meddlers in our standardized election traditions?
THE BIGGEST THREAT was teh machines. They were always cheating, unconstitutional anything to "win".The the machines area new scale, a qualitative difference, and so the core of the response has to be to tame the threat of the machines used to manipulate teh cast votes and even to create votes that were never cast.

Question 4.

As we roll back the onerous COVID rules are we suppressing the vote by election integrity reform? Or are we just trying to have good elections and necessariy impacting access?

based not on race or discrimination but based on education, economics,
WHAT'S CHANGED HAS BEEN THE MACHINES. DFL has ALWAYS been willing to destroy the value of the vote by unconstitutional and extreme voting measures. But the machine has been their greatest weapon. and civic participation?

As we roll back the onerous COVID rules are we suppressing the vote by #electionintegrity reform as we've seen in so many states? Or as the @ussupremecourt found in Arizona last year, are we just trying to have good elections and inadvertently
5/ and impacting based not on race or discrimination but based on education, economics, and civic participation?

I would hope that my participation in the debate would help us candidates to focus more on the issues of conduct of the election. It's been derailed onto ideological issues, with Kim being depicted as "anti-Semitic", Steve is coming out against
aiding a ploy 1/2/ to thwart issues about the handling of #Covid by the governor, which comes right back around to mass-mailings and other "reform" measures arising from #Covid which now need to be corrected.