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Amy Klobuchar calls Minnesota farmers "Poker Chips"

In 2020 Klobuchar said “President Trump is literally treating these farmers like their poker chips at one of his bankrupt casinos.” She then advocated that "We should have a consistent strong trade policy that works for everyone in America."

I talked to and sat right next to Klobuchar in the FarmFest debate. And she did not disagree that she had said this about Trump. I disagree with what she said. We should put farm trade policy on a separate, fast track. And that's because food should never be used as a weapon, withholding food from anybody because of international trade issues. In a 2011 book "The Taste of War", the writer extensively documented how America won WWII because of our great food supply (which includes a great transportation system). Minnesota does not want the taste of war, we want "The Taste of Peace". And fast-tracking farm trade will give us that.

President Trump and AgSec Sonny Perdue did this in and placed protective tariffs on Chinese farm goods that literally paid Minnesota farms billions of dollars from China. I agree with Peter Navarro on this. Because agriculture with China was placed on a fast track Minnesota farmers benefitted."

Even Senator Klobuchar agreed with the use of tariffs in trade, saying some tariffs should stay on and some should be taken off. So clearly, she does not have any notion of a "policy that works for everyone in America". That's just bad negotiating and Trump has the vastly superior approach. This shows that President Trump--and Minnesota farmers can deal with whatever comes in 2025, not fettered by Klobuchar's shallow, ideological, liberal environmentalist farm trade policy. Her policy that doesn't work for everybody.

She's concerned with big importers like Cargill